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《Analytical Chemistry》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息英文名称Analytical Chemistry课程代码PHAR1117课程性质Basic Courses授课对象Pharmacy学   分7.5学   时162主讲教师Weipeng Wang, Duxin Li, Chunshan Gui, Jianqing Ruan, et al.修订日期2021.6.20指定教材Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry (International Edition), by Douglas Skoog Stanley Crouch, Cengage Learning, 2013二、课程目标(四号黑体)(一)总体目标:(小四号黑体) Analytical chemistry is the branch of chemistry dealing with measurement, both qualitative and quantitative. This discipline is also concerned with the chemical composition of samples. In the field, analytical chemistry is applied when detecting the presence and determining the quantities of chemical compounds, such as lead in water samples or arsenic in tissue samples. It also encompasses many different spectrochemical techniques, all of which are used under various experimental conditions. This branch of chemistry teaches the general theories behind the use of each instrument as well analysis of experimental data. This course begins with a review of general chemistry and an introduction to analytical terminology. You will learn terms relevant to the process of measuring chemical compounds, such as sensitivity and detection limit. The course continues with a unit on common spectrochemical methods, followed by an extension of these methods in a unit on atomic spectroscopy. These methods allow the qualitative and quantitative analysis of compounds of interest. You will also learn about chromatography, which is the science behind purifying samples. Separations of complex mixtures are achieved through a variety of chromatographic techniques. The course concludes with a section on electrochemical methods, examining the interaction between the electrolyte and current of potential during chemical reactions. Please keep in mind that many chemistry courses, especially analytical chemistry, require laboratory experiments to reinforce these concepts; however, this course provides supplemental material in order to convey this information. After successful completion of this course, you will understand the techniques used in qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical compounds.(五号宋体)(二)课程目标:(小四号黑体)(课程目标规定某一阶段的学生通过课程学习以后,在发展德、智、体、美、劳等方面期望实现的程度,它是确定课程内容、教学目标和教学方法的基础。)(五号宋体)课程目标1: 1.1 Grasp the principle and application of different chemical apparatus; 1.2 Grasp the principle of statistical analysis and date treatment; 1.3 Understand the principle of chemical equilibria; 1.4 Grasp the principle, procedure and application of titration;课程目标2: 2.1 Grasp the principle, procedure and application of electrochemical methods; 2.2 Grasp the principle, procedure and application of bulk electrolysis;课程目标3: 3.1 Grasp the principle and application of optical spectrometry; 3.2 Grasp the principle and application of atomic spectroscopy; 3.3 Grasp the principle and application of mass spectrometry;课程目标4: 4.1 Grasp the principle and application of different analytical separation methods.  4.2 Grasp the principle, instrument structure and application of gas or high-performance liquid chromatography.  4.3 Have the capability of sample treatment and separation analysis using chromatography, and be able to design analytical methods for target objects.(要求参照《普通高等学校本科专业类教学质量国家标准》,对应各类专业认证标准,注意对毕业要求支撑程度强弱的描述,与“课程目标对毕业要求的支撑关系表一致)(五号宋体)(三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系(小四号黑体)表1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表 (五号宋体)课程目标课程子目标对应课程内容对应毕业要求课程目标11.1Tools of Analytical ChemistryGrasp the principle and application of different chemical apparatus;Grasp the principle of statistical analysis and date treatment;1.2Chemical EquilibriaUnderstand the principle of chemical equilibria; Have the ability to solving equilibrium problems for complex systems1.3Classical Methods of AnalysisGrasp the principle, procedure and application of titration;课程目标22.1Electrochemical MethodsGrasp the principle, procedure and application of electrochemical methods;2.2Grasp the principle, procedure and application of bulk electrolysis课程目标33.1Spectrochemical Methods3.1 Grasp the principle and application of optical spectrometry;3.23.2 Grasp the principle and application of atomic spectroscopy;3.33.3 Grasp the principle and application of mass spectrometry;课程目标44.1Kinetics and Separations4.1 Grasp the principle and application of different analytical separation methods. 4.24.2 Grasp the principle, instrument structure and application of gas or high-performance liquid chromatography. 4.3Practical Aspects of Chemical Analysis4.3 Have the capability of sample treatment and separation analysis using chromatography, and be able to design analytical methods for target objects.(大类基础课程、专业教学课程及开放选修课程按照本科教学手册中各专业拟定的毕业要求填写“对应毕业要求”栏。通识教育课程含通识选修课程、新生研讨课程及公共基础课程,面向专业为工科、师范、医学等有专业认证标准的专业,按照专业认证通用标准填写“对应毕业要求”栏;面向其他尚未有专业认证标准的专业,按照本科教学手册中各专业拟定的毕业要求填写“对应毕业要求”栏。)三、教学内容(四号黑体)(具体描述各章节教学目标、教学内容等。实验课程可按实验模块描述)第1章 The Nature of Analytical Chemistry(小四号黑体)1.教学目标 (五号宋体)Grasp the basic aspect of analytical chemistry; understand the center role of analytical chemistry; know a typical quantitative analysis procedure.2.教学重难点 2.1 The role of chemistry in science; 2.2 Typical quantitative analysis procedure3.教学内容 1A The Role of Analytical Chemistry  1B Quantitative Analytical Methods  1CA Typical Quantitative Analysis  1DAn Integral Role for Chemical Aalysis: Feedback Control Systems4.教学方法  4.1 The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method via PPT. 4.2 In an interactive quiz mode 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of different analytical applications To answer the questions: 1. What is your impression of Analytical Chemistry? 2. What is the procedure in a typical quantitative analysis?第2章 Chemicals, Apparatus, and Unit Operations of Analytical Chemistry 1.教学目标  1.1 Master the reagents and chemicals classification of chemistry; 1.2 Grasp the Equipment and Manipulations Associated with Evaporation, Weighing, Filtration; 1.3 Familiar with the basic laboratory practice in Analytical Chemistry2.教学重难点 2.1 The Equipment and Manipulations Associated with Evaporation, Weighing, Filtration; 2.2 The basic laboratory practice in Analytical Chemistry, including laboratory notebook and saftey.3.教学内容 2A Selecting and Handling Reagents and Other Chemicals 2B Cleaning and Marking of Laboratory Ware 2CEvaporating Liquids  2DMeasuring Mass  2E Equipment and Manipulations Associated with Weighing  2F Filtration and Ignition of Solids  2GMeasuring Volume  2HCalibrating Volumetric Glassware  2I The Laboratory Notebook  2J Safety in the Laboratory4.教学方法The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method., animation and video of basic operations.5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of basic tools in analytical chemistry To answer the questions: 1. What are the rules for handling reagents and solutions? 2. What are types of analytical balances? 3. What are the sources of error in weighing? 4. How to maintain a laboratory notebook?第3章 Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry1.教学目标  1.1 Grasp the basic unit in Microsoft spreadsheet; 1.2 Grasp the basic calculation in spreadsheet;2.教学重难点 2.1 The calculations in complex examples; 2.2 Data recording in spreadsheet;3.教学内容 3A Keeping Records and Making Calculations  3B More Complex Examples4.教学方法 The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and practice. Students must take a PC and practice the calculation on it. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of basic calculations in spreadsheet. To answer the questions: 1. Describe the use of the following Excel functions after reading about them in the Excel help facility. (a) SQRT; (b) AVERAGE; (c) PI; (d) FACT; (e) EXP; (f) LOG 2. There are many ways to document the worksheet entries and calculations. Use a search engine to find some of these methods, and describe them in detail using a worksheet example.第4章 Calculations Used in Analytical Chemistry1.教学目标  1.1 Grasp the basic unit of measurement;  1.2 Understand the solution preparation and their concentration;2.教学重难点 2.1 The solution and their chemical stoichiometry.3.教学内容 4A Some Important Units of Measurement  4B Solutions and Their Concentrations  4CChemical Stoichiometry4.教学方法  4.1 The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method via PPT. 4.2 In an interactive quiz mode 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of solution concentration calculation To answer the questions: 1. What is the difference between molar species concentration and molar analytical concentration? 2. Show that one gram is one mole of unified atomic mass units. 3. Find the number of Na+ ions in 2.92 g of Na3PO4? 4. What is the mass in milligrams of solute in  (a) 16.0 mL of 0.350 M sucrose (342 g/mol)? (b) 1.92 L of 3.76 x 10-3 M H2O2? 5. Sea water contains an average of 1.08 x 103 ppm of Na+ and 270 ppm of SO42-. Calculate (a) the molar concentrations of Na+ and SO42- given that the average density of sea water is 1.02 g/mL. (b) the pNa and pSO4 for sea water. 6. What mass of solid La(IO3)3 (663.6 g/mol) is formed when 50.0 mL of 0.250 M La3+ are mixed with 75.0 mL of 0.302 M IO3-? 7. What volume of 0.01000 M AgNO3 would be required to precipitate all of the I- in 200.0 mL of a solution that contained 24.32 ppt KI?第5章 Errors in Chemical Analyses1.教学目标 Grasp the basic aspect of errors in analytical chemistry; understand the source of errors.2.教学重难点 2.1 The source of systematic error;3.教学内容 5A Some Important Terms  5B Systematic Errors4.教学方法  4.1 The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method via PPT. 4.2 In an interactive quiz mode 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of different type of errors in chemical analysis To answer the questions: 1. Explain the difference between (a) random and systematic error. (b) constant and proportional error. (c) absolute and relative error. (d) mean and median. 2. Suggest two sources of systematic error and two sources of random error in measuring the width of a 3m table with a 1m metal rule. 3. Name three types of systematic errors. 4. Describe at least three systematic errors that might occur while weighing a solid on an analytical balance. 5. Describe at least three ways in which a systematic error might occur while using a pipet to transfer a known volume of liquid.第6章 Random Errors in Chemical Analysis 1.教学目标  1.1 Master the Statistical Treatment of Random Errors; 1.2 Grasp the Standard Deviation of Calculated Results; 1.3 Familiar with Reporting Computed Data2.教学重难点 2.1 Statistical Treatment of Random Errors;3.教学内容 6A The Nature of Random Errors 6B Statistical Treatment of Random Errors 6CStandard Deviation of Calculated Results  6DReporting Computed Data4.教学方法The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method., together with calculation practice by student.5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of Random Errors in Chemical Analysis To answer the questions: 1. Distinguish between (a) the sample standard deviation and the population standard deviation. (b) the meaning of the word “sample” as it is used in a chemical and in a statistical sense. 2. The standard deviation in measuring the diameter d of a sphere is 60.02 cm. What is the standard deviation in the calculated volume V of the sphere if d = 2.15 cm? 3. Calculate a pooled estimate of s from the following spectrophotometric analysis for NTA (nitrilotriacetic acid) in water from the Ohio River: 4. Estimate the absolute deviation and the coefficient of variation for the results of the following calculations. Round each result so that it contains only significant digits. The numbers in parentheses are absolute standard deviations. (a) y = 3.95(± 0.03) + 0.993(± 0.001) - 7.025(± 0.001) = -2.082 (b) y = 15.57(± 0.04) + 0.0037(± 0.0001) + 3.59(± 0.08) = 19.1637 (c) y = 29.2(± 0.3) + 2.034(± 0.02) + 10217 = 5.93928 x 10-16 5. Six bottles of wine of the same variety were analyzed for residual sugar content with the following results: (a) Evaluate the standard deviation s for each set of data. (b) Pool the data to obtain an absolute standard deviation for the method.第7章 Statistical Data Treatment and Evaluation1.教学目标  1.1 Grasp the concept and practice of confidence intervals; 1.2 Grasp the concept and practice of hypothesis testing; 1.3 Grasp the concept and practice of detection of gross errors;2.教学重难点 2.1 The calculations in hypothesis testing; 2.2 The detection of gross errors;3.教学内容 7A Confidence Intervals 7B Statistical Aids to Hypothesis Testing  7CAnalysis of Variance  7DDetection of Gross Errors4.教学方法 The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and student’s calculation practice. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of basic calculations in Statistical Data Treatment and Evaluation. To answer the questions: 1. Describe in your own words why the confidence interval for the mean of five measurements is smaller than that for a single result. 2. Discuss how the size of the confidence interval for the mean is influenced by the following (all the other factors are constant): (a) the standard deviation s. (b) the sample size N. (c) the confidence level. 3. An atomic absorption method for the determination of the amount of iron present in used jet engine oil was found from pooling 30 triplicate analyses to have a standard deviation s = 3.6 μg Fe/mL. If s is a good estimate of σ, calculate the 95 and 99% confidence intervals for the result 18.5 μg Fe/mL if it was based on (a) a single analysis, (b) the mean of two analyses, and (c) the mean of four analyses. 4. How many replicate measurements are needed to decrease the 95 and 99% confidence limits for the analysis described in Problem 3 to ± 2.2 mg Fe/mL? 5. The level of a pollutant in a river adjacent to a chemical plant is regularly monitored. Over a period of years, the normal level of the pollutant has been established by chemical analyses. Recently, the company has made several changes to the plant that appear to have increased the level of the pollutant. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants conclusive proof that the pollutant level has not increased. State the relevant null and alternative hypotheses and describe the type I and type II errors that might occur in this situation. 6. Sir William Ramsey, Lord Rayleigh, prepared nitrogen samples by several different methods. The density of each sample was measured as the mass of gas required to fill a particular flask at a certain temperature and pressure. Masses of nitrogen samples prepared by decomposition of various nitrogen compounds were 2.29280, 2.29940, 2.29849, and 2.30054 g. Masses of “nitrogen” prepared by removing oxygen from air in various ways were 2.31001, 2.31163, and 2.31028 g. Is the density of nitrogen prepared from nitrogen compounds significantly different from that prepared from air? What are the chances of the conclusion being in error? (Study of this difference led to the discovery of the inert gases by Lord Rayleigh). 7. Four analysts perform replicate sets of Hg determinations on the same analytical sample. The results in ppb Hg are shown in the following table: (a) State the appropriate hypotheses. (b) Do the analysts differ at the 95% confidence level? At the 99% confidence level (Fcrit 5 5.95)? At the 99.9% confidence level (Fcrit 5 10.80)? (c) Which analysts differ from each other at the 95% confidence level? 8. Apply the Q test to the following data sets to determine whether the outlying result should be retained or rejected at the 95% confidence level. (a) 85.10, 84.62, 84.70 (b) 85.10, 84.62, 84.65, 84.70第8章 Sampling, Standardization, and Calibration1.教学目标 1.1 Grasp the principle and practice of sampling in analytical chemistry;  1.2 Grasp the principle and practice of Figures of Merit for Analytical Methods;2.教学重难点 2.1 Standardization and Calibration.3.教学内容 8A Analytical Samples and Methods  8B Sampling  8C Automated Sample Handling 8D Standardization and Calibration 8E Figures of Merit for Analytical Methods4.教学方法  4.1 The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method via PPT. 4.2 In an interactive quiz mode 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of Sampling, Standardization, and Calibration To answer the questions: 1. Describe the steps in a sampling operation. 2. What factors determine the mass of a gross sample? 3. Changes in the method used to coat the tablets in Problem 8-6 lowered the percentage of rejects from 5.6% to 2.0%. How many tablets should be taken for inspection if the permissible relative standard deviation in the measurement is to be (a) 20%? (b) 12%? (c) 7%? (d) 2%? 4. The data in the table below were obtained during a colorimetric determination of glucose in blood serum. (a) Assuming a linear relationship between the variables, find the least-squares estimates of the slope and intercept. (b) What are the standard deviations of the slope and intercept? What is the standard error of the estimate? (c) Determine the 95% confidence intervals for the slope and intercept. (d) A serum sample gave an absorbance of 0.413. Find the 95% confidence interval for glucose in the sample. 5. The following table gives the sample means and standard deviations for six measurements each day of the purity of a polymer in a process. The purity is monitored for 24 days. Determine the overall mean and standard deviation of the measurements and construct a control chart with upper and lower control limits. Do any of the means indicate a loss of statistical control?第9章 Aqueous Solutions and Chemical Equilibria1.教学目标 Grasp the principle and practice of Chemical Equilibria. Familiar with the principle and practice of buffer solution;2.教学重难点 2.1 The types of chemical equilibrium; 2.2 The preparation of buffer solution;3.教学内容 9A The Chemical Composition of Aqueous Solutions  9B Chemical Equilibrium  9CBuffer Solutions4.教学方法  The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and student’s calculation practice. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of different Aqueous Solutions  To answer the questions: 1. Briefly describe or define and give an example of (a) an amphiprotic solute. (b) a differentiating solvent. (c) a leveling solvent. (d) a mass-action effect. 2. Generate the solubility-product expression for (a) CuBr. (d) La(IO3)3. (b) HgClI. (e) Ag3AsO4. (c) PbCl2. 3. What CrO42- concentration is required to (a) initiate precipitation of Ag2CrO4 from a solution that is 4.13 x 10-3 M in Ag+? (b) lower the concentration of Ag+ in a solution to 9.00 x 10-7 M? 4. Define buffer capacity. 5. What mass of sodium formate must be added to 500.0 mL of 1.00 M formic acid to produce a buffer solution that has a pH of 3.50? 6. What volume of 0.200 M HCl must be added to 500.0 mL of 0.300 M sodium mandelate to produce a buffer solution with a pH of 3.37?第10章 Effect of Electrolytes on Chemical Equilibria 1.教学目标 Grasp the principle and practice of Chemical Equilibria. Familiar with the calculations of Activity Coefficients;2.教学重难点 2.1 The calculation in Chemical Equilibria; 2.2 The Effect of Electrolytes on Chemical Equilibria3.教学内容 10A The Effect of Electrolytes on Chemical Equilibria 10B Activity Coefficients 4.教学方法The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and student’s calculation practice. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of basic tools in Chemical Equilibria To answer the questions: 1. Make a distinction between (a) activity and activity coefficient. (b) thermodynamic and concentration equilibrium constants. 2. Explain why the activity coefficient for dissolved ions in water is usually less than that for water itself. 3. Calculate the solubilities of the following compounds in a 0.0333 M solution of Mg(ClO4)2 using (1) activities and (2) molar concentrations: (a) AgSCN. (b) PbI2. (c) BaSO4. (d) Cd2Fe(CN)6. Cd2Fe(CN)6(s) ↔ 2Cd2+ + Fe(CN)64- Ksp = 3.2 x 10-17第11章 Solving Equilibrium Problems for Complex Systems1.教学目标  Grasp the principle and practice of Multiple-Equilibrium Problems Using a Systematic Method. Familiar with the Separation of Ions by Control of the Concentration of the Precipitating Agent;2.教学重难点 2.1 Calculating Solubilities by the Systematic Method; 2.2 Systematic Method in Solving Multiple-Equilibrium Problems3.教学内容 11A Solving Multiple-Equilibrium Problems Using a Systematic Method  11B Calculating Solubilities by the Systematic Method 11CSeparation of Ions by Control of the Concentration of the Precipitating Agent4.教学方法  The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and student’s calculation practice. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of Solving Equilibrium Problems for Complex Systems. To answer the questions: 1. Why are simplifying assumptions restricted to relationships that are sums or differences? 2. Why do molar concentrations of some species appear as multiples in charge-balance equations? 3. Calculate the molar solubility of PbS in a solution in which [H3O+] is held constant at (a) 3.0 3 10-1 M and (b) 3.0 x 10-4 M. 4. What mass of AgBr dissolves in 200 mL of 0.200 M NaCN? 5. Calculate the molar solubility of ZnCO3 in a solution buffered to a pH of 7.00. 6. Silver ion is being considered for separating I- from SCN- in a solution that is 0.040 M in KI and 0.080 M in NaSCN. (a) What Ag+ concentration is needed to lower the I- concentration to 1.0 x 10-6 M? (b) What is the Ag+ concentration of the solution when AgSCN begins to precipitate? (c) What is the ratio of SCN- to I- when AgSCN begins to precipitate? (d) What is the ratio of SCN- to I- when the Ag1 concentration is 1.0 x 10-3 M?第12章 Gravimetric Methods of Analysis1.教学目标  Grasp the principle and practice of Precipitation Gravimetry. Familiar with the Applications of Gravimetric Methods;2.教学重难点 2.1 Calculation of Results from Gravimetric Data.3.教学内容 12A Precipitation Gravimetry  12B Calculation of Results from Gravimetric Data  12CApplications of Gravimetric Methods 4.教学方法  The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and student’s calculation practice. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of solution concentration calculation To answer the questions: 1. What are the structural characteristics of a chelating agent? 2. What is peptization and how is it avoided? 3. Treatment of a 0.2500 g sample of impure potassium chloride with an excess of AgNO3 resulted in the formation of 0.2912 g of AgCl. Calculate the percentage of KCl in the sample. 4. What mass of AgI can be produced from a 0.512 g sample that assays 20.1% AlI3? 5. A 0.2121 g sample of an organic compound was burned in a stream of oxygen, and the CO2 produced was collected in a solution of barium hydroxide. Calculate the percentage of carbon in the sample if 0.6006 g of BaCO3 was formed. 6. A 0.6407 g sample containing chloride and iodide ions gave a silver halide precipitate weighing 0.4430 g. This precipitate was then strongly heated in a stream of Cl2 gas to convert the AgI to AgCl; on completion of this treatment, the precipitate weighed 0.3181 g. Calculate the percentage of chloride and iodide in the sample. 7. A 50.0 mL portion of a solution containing 0.200 g of BaCl2•2H2O is mixed with 50.0 mL of a solution containing 0.300 g of NaIO3. Assume that the solubility of Ba(IO3)2 in water is negligibly small and calculate (a) the mass of the precipitated Ba(IO3)2. (b) the mass of the unreacted compound that remains in solution.第13章 Titrations in Analytical Chemistry1.教学目标 Grasp the basic aspect of titration; understand the titration process.2.教学重难点 2.1 The generation of titration curves;3.教学内容 13A Some Terms Used in Volumetric Titrations  13B Standard Solutions  13CVolumetric Calculations  13DGravimetric Titrations  13E Titration Curves 4.教学方法  The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and student’s calculation practice. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of Titrations principle and processTo answer the questions: 1. Distinguish between (a) the equivalence point and the end point of a titration. (b) a primary standard and a secondary standard. 2. How many millimoles of solute are contained in (a) 2.95 mL of 0.0789 M KH2PO4? (b) 0.2011 L of 0.0564 M HgCl2? (c) 2.56 L of a 47.5 ppm solution of Mg(NO3)2? (d) 79.8 mL of 0.1379 M NH4VO3 (116.98 g/mol)? 3. A 0.4126-g sample of primary-standard Na2CO3 was treated with 40.00 mL of dilute perchloric acid. The solution was boiled to remove CO2, following which the excess HClO4 was back-titrated with 9.20 mL of dilute NaOH. In a separate experiment, it was established that 26.93 mL of the HClO4 neutralized the NaOH in a 25.00-mL portion. Calculate the molarities of the HClO4 and NaOH. 4. Titration of the I2 produced from 0.1142 g of primary-standard KIO3 required 27.95 mL of sodium thiosulfate. Calculate the concentration of the Na2S2O3. 5. The ethyl acetate concentration in an alcoholic solution was determined by diluting a 10.00 mL sample to 100.00 mL. A 20.00 mL portion of the diluted solution was refluxed with 40.00 mL of 0.04672 M KOH. After cooling, the excess OH2 was back-titrated with 3.41 mL of 0.05042 M H2SO4. Calculate the amount of ethyl acetate (88.11 g/mol) in the original sample in grams. 6. A solution was prepared by dissolving 7.48 g of KCl • MgCl2 • 6H2O (277.85 g/mol) in sufficient water to give 2.000 L. Calculate (a) the molar analytical concentration of KCl • MgCl2 in this solution. (b) the molar concentration of Mg2+. (c) the molar concentration of Cl2. (d) the weight/volume percentage of KCl •MgCl2 •6H2O. (e) the number of millimoles of Cl2 in 25.0 mL of this solution. (f ) the concentration of K+ in ppm.第14章 Principles of Neutralization Titrations 1.教学目标 Grasp the basic aspect of neutralization titration; understand the titration curve for weak acids/bases.2.教学重难点 2.1 Composition of Solutions During Acid/Base Titrations; 2.2 The generation of titration curves for weak acids/bases;3.教学内容 14A Solutions and Indicators for Acid/Base Titrations  14B Titration of Strong Acids and Bases  14CTitration Curves for Weak Acids  14DTitration Curves for Weak Bases  14E The Composition of Solutions During Acid/Base Titrations 4.教学方法The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method., together with calculation practice by student.5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of Neutralization Titrations To answer the questions: 1. Why does the typical acid/base indicator exhibit its color change over a range of about 2 pH units? 2. What variables can cause the pH range of an indicator to shift? 3. What is the pH of an aqueous solution that is 3.00% HCl by mass and has a density of 1.015 g/mL? 4. Calculate the pH of an ammonia solution that is (a) 1.00 x 10-1 M NH3. (b) 1.00 x 10-2 M NH3. (c) 1.00 x 10-4 M NH3. 5. Calculate the equilibrium concentration of methyl ammonia in a solution that has a molar analytical CH3NH2 concentration of 0.120 and a pH of 11.471.第15章 Complex Acid/Base Systems1.教学目标 Grasp the basic aspect of Polyfunctional Acids and Bases; Grasp the titration process of Polyfunctional Acids/Bases; 2.教学重难点 2.1 Calculation of the pH of Solutions of NaHA; 2.2 Titration Curves for Amphiprotic Species; 2.3 Applications of Titration Curves for Polyfunctional Acids3.教学内容 15A Mixtures of Strong and Weak Acids or Strong and Weak Bases  15B Polyfunctional Acids and Bases  15CBuffer Solutions Involving Polyprotic Acids  15DCalculation of the pH of Solutions of NaHA  15E Titration Curves for Polyfunctional Acids  15F Titration Curves for Polyfunctional Bases  15GTitration Curves for Amphiprotic Species  15HComposition of Polyprotic Acid Solutions as a Function of pH4.教学方法 The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and student’s calculation practice. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of basic calculations in titration of Complex Acid/Base. To answer the questions: 1. As its name implies, NaHA is an “acid salt” because it has a proton available to donate to a base. Briefly explain why a pH calculation for a solution of NaHA differs from that for a weak acid of the type HA. 2. Why is it impossible to titrate all three protons of phosphoric acid in aqueous solution? 3. Suggest an indicator that could be used to provide an end point for the titration of the first proton in H3AsO4. 4. What mass (g) of dipotassium phthalate must be added to 750 mL of 0.0500 M phthalic acid to give a buffer of pH 5.75? 5. What is the pH of the buffer formed by adding 100 mL of 0.150 M potassium hydrogen phthalate to  (a) 100.0 mL of 0.0800 M NaOH? (b) 100.0 mL of 0.0800 M HCl? 6. Briefly explain why curve B cannot describe the titration of a mixture consisting of H3PO4 and NaH2PO4.第16章 Applications of Neutralization Titrations1.教学目标 Grasp the Typical Applications of Neutralization Titrations; 2.教学重难点 2.1 Typical Applications of Neutralization Titrations;.3.教学内容 16A Reagents for Neutralization Titrations  16B Typical Applications of Neutralization Titrations 4.教学方法 The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and student’s calculation practice. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of Neutralization Titrations To answer the questions: 1. Why is nitric acid seldom used to prepare standard acid solutions? 2. Give two reasons why KH(IO3)2 is preferred over benzoic acid as a primary standard for a 0.010 M NaOH solution. 3. A NaOH solution was 0.1019 M immediately after standardization. Exactly 500.0 mL of the reagent was left exposed to air for several days and absorbed 0.652 g of CO2. Calculate the relative carbonate error in the determination of acetic acid with this solution if the titrations were performed with phenolphthalein. 4. A 50.00-mL sample of a white dinner wine required 24.57 mL of 0.03291 M NaOH to achieve a phenolphthalein end point. Express the acidity of the wine in grams of tartaric acid (H2C4H4O6; 150.09 g/mol) per 100 mL. (Assume that two hydrogens of the acid are titrated.) 5. A 0.1401-g sample of a purified carbonate was dissolved in 50.00 mL of 0.1140 M HCl and boiled to eliminate CO2. Back-titration of the excess HCl required 24.21 mL of 0.09802 M NaOH. Identify the carbonate.第17章 Complexation and Precipitation Reactions and Titrations1.教学目标 Grasp the principle and practice of Complexation and Precipitation Reactions and Titrations; Familiar with its applications;2.教学重难点 2.1 Organic Complexing Agents; 2.2 The Formation of Complexes;3.教学内容 17A The Formation of Complexes  17B Titrations with Inorganic Complexing Agents  17C Organic Complexing Agents  17D Aminocarboxylic Acid Titrations 4.教学方法 The basic theory and analysis principle are taught by teaching method and student’s calculation practice. 5.教学评价Grasp the students’ mastery of basic calculations in titration of Complexation and Precipitation. To answer the questions: 1. Describe three general methods for performing EDTA titrations. What are the advantages of each? 2. In what respect is the Fajans method superior to the Volhard method for the titration of chloride ion? 3. Why does the charge on the surface of precipitate particles change sign at the equivalence point of a titration? 4. The Zn in a 0.7457 g sample of foot powder was titrated with 22.57 mL of 0.01639 M EDTA. Calculate the percent Zn in this sample. 5. A 50.00-mL aliquot of a solution containing iron(II) and iron(III) required 10.98 mL of 0.01500 M EDTA when titrated at pH 2.0 and 23.70 mL when titrated at pH 6.0. Express the concentration of each solute in parts per million. 6. Calculate conditional constants for the formation of the EDTA complex of Fe2- at a pH of (a) 6.0, (b) 8.0, and (c) 10.0.第18章 Introduction to Electrochemistry1.教学目标(1)Learn how to write oxidation/reduction reactions in electrochemical cells(2)Introduction of Galvanic cell and electrolytic cell(3)Calculation of electrode potentials and cell potential2.教学重难点(1)Use Nernst equation to calculate electrode potentials(2)Calculation of cell potential3.教学内容 18A Characterizing Oxidation/Reduction Reactions 18B Electrochemical Cells 18C Electrode Potentials4.教学方法 通过实题练习让学生掌握电极电动势和电池电动势的计算5.教学评价 (1) Calculate the potential of a copper electrode immersed in (a) 0.0380 M Cu(NO3)2. (b) 0.0650 M in NaCl and saturated with CuCl. (c) 0.0350 M in NaOH and saturated with Cu(OH)2. (d) 0.0375 M in Cu(NH3)42+ and 0.108 M in NH3 (β4 for Cu(NH3)42+ is 5.62×1011). (e) a solution in which the molar analytical concentration of Cu(NO3)2 is 3.90×10-3 M, that for H2Y2- is 3.90×10-2 M (Y=EDTA), and the pH is fixed at 4.00. (2) The solubility-product constant for Ag2SO3 is 1.5×10-14. Calculate E0 for the process Ag2SO3(s) + 2e-  2Ag + SO32- (3) Given the formation constants Fe3+ + Y4-  FeY-Kf = 1.3×1025 Fe2+ + Y4-  FeY2-Kf = 2.1×1014 calculate E0 for the process FeY- + e-  FeY2-第19章 Applications of Standard Electrode Potentials1.教学目标(1)Learn the relationship between equilibrium constant and stand cell potential and how to calculate equilibrium constant for a reaction(2)Learn how to construct a redox titration curve(3)Learn how to choose a proper redox indicator for a titration2.教学重难点(1)Relationship between equilibrium constant and stand cell potential(2)Redox titration curve3.教学内容 19A Calculating Potentials of Electrochemical Cells 19B Determining Standard Potentials Experimentally 19C Calculating Redox Equilibrium Constants 19D Constructing Redox Titration Curves 19E Oxidation/Reduction Indicators 19F Potentiometric End Points4.教学方法 通过实例让学生掌握氧化-还原平衡常数的计算,滴定曲线的构建等5.教学评价(1) Under what circumstance is the curve for an oxidation/reduction titration asymmetric about the equivalence point?(2) Calculate the theoretical cell potential of the following cells. If the cell is short-circuited, indicate the direction of the spontaneous cell reaction. (a) Zn|Zn2+ (0.1000 M)

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