Go with Tatiana | 在贵州,探秘这片“暮光森林” Guizhou’s version of “Twilight”
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Go with Tatiana | 在贵州,探秘这片“暮光森林” Guizhou’s version of “Twilight”
发布日期:2025-01-04 11:46    点击次数:72

     The rainy season in Guizhou is really too long!  贵州的雨季实在太漫长了!  It's raining outside everyday... Many people are getting depressed because of it, sometimes even not wanting to go out. Someone prefers to watch TV shows or get a good sleep snuggling under a warm blanket in such weather. Suddenly, I remember a saying my grandfather always repeated: “there is no such thing in nature as bad weather”.  窗外每天都下着雨…… 许多人因此变得沮丧,有时甚至不想出门。这样的天气大多数人更喜欢盖上暖和的被子,看电视剧或者睡一个好觉。在这样的天气里,我忽然想起了爷爷总爱说的一句话:“大自然没有坏天气。”  Whether it's sunny, cloudy, or rainy, we should fully enjoy the beauty of nature.  无论是晴天、阴天,亦或是雨天,我们都要尽情享受大自然的魅力。  Is there any place better than the forest to enjoy the beauty brought by the rain?  还有哪里比在森林更适合享受雨天带来的美景?  A few days ago, I felt like I had traveled into the movie “Twilight”. It was in a tropical rainforest where you could encounter vampires and werewolves at any moment... The place I went to was a forest in Dianshan Village, Shawen Town, Baiyun District, Guiyang City.  几天前,我在贵阳市白云区沙文镇靛山村发现了一片森林,那是一片热带雨林,我仿佛穿越到了电影《暮光之城》里。  Standing there, if you take a deep breath, you will smell the fresh scent of rain mixed with grass and pine needles; you can also feel the mysterious and quiet atmosphere of the forest—only the sound of raindrops can interrupt this feeling.  站在那儿,深深吸一口气,你会闻到雨水混合着草地还有松针的清冷的味道,以及感受到林中神秘寂静的氛围,只有淅沥雨声才能偶尔打断我的思绪。  After the rain, the view of this forest is extremely stunning. The rising mist makes the colours of the leaves even more vivid, and everything in your eyes becomes more bright. The hazy fog, enveloping the trees, makes the forest more mysterious.  雨后的森林,景致尤为惊艳。蒸腾的水气让枝叶色彩越发鲜明,眼前的一切都变得更加深邃。朦胧的雾气笼罩着树木,让这片森林变得更加神秘。  After the rain, this forest with the scent of mushrooms, soil, and moss, evokes my memory of childhood, just like the smell in my hometown.  雨后森林带着蘑菇、泥土和青苔的气息,唤起了我童年的回忆,就像我儿时家乡的味道。  Don't be gloomy! Enjoy the rainy day in Guizhou.  嗨!别再雨天闷闷不乐了,不如一起好好享受贵州的雨~  贵州日报天眼新闻外籍主播  Kucherova Tatiana  编译 赖盈盈  编辑 陈大炜  二审 庞博  三审 闵捷
